邱梦腾 Qiu Mengteng 
Déni Pitsaev



邱梦腾 Qiu Mengteng
Hi deni, nice to meet you ~

Déni Pitsaev


Déni Pitsaev

邱梦腾 Qiu Mengteng

Hi Qiu,
"All the world's a cage".... ! or ? or !?
Hi Déni,
As you can see on my image……
What are your hobbies?

Roommate, 邱梦腾 Qiu Mengteng

Déni Pitsaev

Hi Deni,
That's my question “Roommate” in this week~

"They say dreams are the windows of the soul -
take a peek and you can see the inner workings, the nuts and bolts"
Henry Bromel
So my answer picture is my friend and roommate Katia from Paris,
picture from balcony of my Parisian place,just before a Sunday brunch.

Déni Pitsaev

邱梦腾 Qiu Mengteng

My new question is :
I dislike feeling at home when I am abroad. Because Belgium is abroad for me...
This is a  picture of a picture from my wall at my room in Antwerpen.

Hi Déni      
I think I can understand how you feel ,I'm 13 years old fleeing their homes.
The photo was made in the Spring Festival in 2012. My grandmother in Fried noodles.

邱梦腾 Qiu Mengteng

Déni Pitsaev

My new question is :
For those who away from their hometown, should be conscious of the advantage they gain, try their best...

Hi, how are you ?
It's hard to see your picture, are they "Rural - to - Urban" migrants : in Search of Fortune or Happiness ? Actually this picture make me sad, this people work almost for free under  hard conditions, and I'm a part of that system, because I want that my new IPhone, T-Shirt or something else  for cheap.
What happened to families? Looking out for otheres ? Shared responsibility?  Living what philosophers call the Good Life ? Before with René Descarte it was "I Think, therefore I am". But today in this global world, human existence and identity are defined by I consume, therefore I am !!!
That why my answer picture is Jesus and quote of Barbara Kruger :
"You Want It
 You Need it
 You Buy it
 You Forget it"

Déni Pitsaev

邱梦腾 Qiu Mengteng
Today, I took this picture in Antwerpen Nord, because it's remind me Franz Kafka's "The Castle" ( if you didn't read, i advice to do ). What is the Castle? This is the main question of the novel, both for readers and characters, although the characters never pose the question quite so directly, focusing instead on more immediate goals that invariably involve the Castle. In the famous opening of the novel, the Castle is ominously present even in its absence. For me The Castle is bureaucracy.
So my new question is what's  "Castle" for you in China ( it's more question about your freedom )

Hi Déni,
Castle, I can only associated with the fairy tale. The princess wishes she could marry a guy own a castle (tall and handsome and rich, who is the inheritor of the castle). In reality, he who own the property is the owner of the castle, maybe you will not understand, because you don't know how a house is expensive in China.
So my answer is the toilet of my dormitory , this one square meters toilet is worth 20000 yuan RMB in here.
I'll have a look at the book of Kafka, and thank you for your recommend~

Cat in Toilet, 邱梦腾 Qiu Mengteng

Déni Pitsaev
That's my cat "Mizi" and it's "Castle".  
Question:Do you like cats or other pets ……
" Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves " A. Lincoln, that why my cage is empty....(from my balcony in Paris)
But that remind me my very first question to you about All the world's a cage ? or !

Déni Pitsaev

Yesterday i was in Brussels ( capital of Belgium ) for vote in the french general consulate, because it was french presidential elections. That was very important for me. After during my city walk in Brussels i saw that picture in Asian area in Belgium capital. It's a mini manifestation about what's happened in China.
So my picture question is about manifestation and civil rights.