张可怡 Zhang Keyi 
Jessica Ritchie



A photo from China, 张可怡 Zhang Keyi

Invertbird, Jessica Ritchie

hi, i'm a student who will communicate photography with you.i had send my photo to you .But i haven't got your reply...i'm looking forward to you e-mail. Please write back soon,ok?
a friend from China


Sorry that I am a bit late. I am thrilled about this project. Thank you for your photo. Here is mine.
A friend from Belgica, 

Jessica Ritchie

张可怡 Zhang Keyi

Greetings Zhang, 
I hope all finds you well. Here is my next image. It is a small self-portrait. I ask the same of you. Please send me a self-portrait! Doesn't have to be you, but something that defines you. 


this is my answer picture for this week.en..that's me..  a self-portrait~

张可怡 Zhang Keyi

Jessica Ritchie

here is my next image. a photo of my belief. What religion do you believe in?


Dearest Zhang, 
Your belief seems to contain a lot of fiery passion with such intense red colours! What is it called? 
My belief is Nature, and the Universe. I believe that all things are connected and related to each other. I suppose the closest thing in Chinese to this is Taoism? Thus, I send you a photograph of myself in the woods of France.

Jessica Ritchie

A owl, 张可怡 Zhang Keyi

Here in it paasvakantie, so for 2 weeks we don't have to go to the Academy. I plan on spending my time wisely & keeping busy by taking more photographs, writing letters, drinking vin chaud, reading & making lots of soup. The weather was beautiful but it's typical Belgium to go back to being gray and gloomy again. How's the weather in China?
The photograph included is part of my mythological series. It's a Minotaur, which appears in many stories & cultures. Mythology & symbolism inspires my photography a lot. Sometimes too much, I'm told. 
So my question this week to you is: What inspires your work? 

I've think about your topic seriously.Finally i found out a lot of things can inspire my work.I find a lot of pictures to summarize.I think that is the lovely things in my life what inspires my work.
A torrential rain will pour down in next two days in China.

张可怡 Zhang Keyi

my question for this week.Is there any street snack in your country?


张可怡 Zhang Keyi

Bye my friend.